Aboaso kwabre East the hub of many immigrants in Europe


Aboaso is a town located in Kwabre East, the largest ethnic group found in this area is normally the Ashanti’s and any other tribe present might be course of migration.


The name is so because of the huge rocks present in the town and it’s surroundings, the common jobs available for the youth is selling in the streets or for that matter street hoaking.

It was widely regarded by the king and his entourage that such practices is dangerous because of the  cars and other huge vehicles that is capable of ending a life in a second should they not be careful enough.





As it can be observed in the picture, the street hoakers in attempt to find buyers immediately without caution rush to draw attention, a similar situation occured and a woman who was selling bread got run over by a long vehicle.

The youth and even a young girl can be seen in this pic trying to sell their bread before sales close.



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